Could Brad Bradshaw’s Constitutional Marijuana Initiative Allow Him to Make a Deal on Behalf of Missouri with Iran?

Note Section 3, subsection M, article XII of the proposed Constitutional “Bradshaw Amendment” petition to create a Missouri state medical research institute and medical marijuana program empowered to:Screen Shot 2017-10-30 at 11.14.31 AM

This is very broad language granting a unilateral, unchecked power to the Research Board in charge of implementing this program to deal with foreign powers. It’s also worth remembering that Section 3, subsection I, article k designates Brad Bradshaw as the head of of the Research Board, empowering Mr. Bradshaw to propose and implement any agreement with a foreign power he chooses. Since this proposal if enacted by the voters would create a Constitutional framework superseding any legislative or executive  action, any modification would have to be voted on in a future Constitutional referendum.

I don’t think Mr. Bradshaw will consider dealing with Iran or any other foreign power that is hostile to American interests, but it is a legitimate concern that the scope of this power is broad enough that this kind of action would be possible and Constitutionally sanctioned. Voters should evaluate the language of these and other medical marijuana initiative petitions closely, and contact their elected representatives to express these and similar concerns.


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